Cranium Big Brain

Job: Graphic Designer

Producer/Art Director: Donovan Eberling

I grew up loving Cranium & Cadoo, so I was really excited when Funko Games brought me in the very early stages of Big Brain to help conceptualize the card & board layouts for the game. Ultimately the project was moved in-house and now that the game is released its cool to see how these concepts were iterated upon to make a big, beautiful game!

It started with a lot of brainstorming, sketching, and research; the game is focused around answering questions and solving puzzles, the solutions to which are all findable on a giant world map - similar to Where’s Waldo but with a narrative! I was presented with puzzles of varying type and difficulty and needed to come up with some options for how to clearly convey all the information the player would need in order. I also pitched some iconography we could designate the different styles of difficulty levels of the puzzles. Here are some of the card layout concepts I came up:

There were also talks of theming the game in a more journalistic direction, so I also provided some ideas for what the assets could like if they were newspaper stories or online articles. They also asked for a board


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